The Hadith and Fiqh Akbar

The Hadith is comprised of passages of Muhammad’s own beliefs and thoughts that are not found in the Qur’an. The Qur’an itself is God’s word spoken through Muhammad, but the Hadith is Muhammad’s own words. My favorite verse from the reading was, “Every good deed is charity, and it is a good deed that thou… Continue reading The Hadith and Fiqh Akbar

The 5 Pillars of Islam and the Hajj Documentary

In Islam, there are five pillars that Muslims are to follow. The five pillars are declaration of faith (Shahadah), prayer (salah), alms-giving or charity (zakah), fasting (sawn), and pilgrimage (Hajj). Muslims’ declaration of faith is that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Every day, five times a day, Muslims… Continue reading The 5 Pillars of Islam and the Hajj Documentary

The Qur’an

As I read the assigned suras, I was surprised to find so many parallels to Christianity’s holy text, the Bible. In the first sura, for example, it talks about how God is the Master of the Day of Judgement and asks that he keeps us on the right path and to not follow those who… Continue reading The Qur’an

Ibn Ishaq Excerpt and “Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement”

Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement taught me a lot about the life of Muhammad and how he came to preach God’s word. According to the text, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah was born in west Arabi in a town called Mecca around 570AD. Around 610AD, he received revelations from God by the archangel Gabriel. These visions were… Continue reading Ibn Ishaq Excerpt and “Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement”

Islam Documentary Clip and The Cairo House (pp. 1-26)

The documentary is a twenty-eight minute clip of Dennis Wholey interviewing Iman Hassan Qazwini. Coming into this section of the course, I had no previous knowledge over the religion of Islam. I even had to Google what it meant to be Muslim, which I now know refers to someone who follows or practices Islam. The term… Continue reading Islam Documentary Clip and The Cairo House (pp. 1-26)