ICR Reflection 12/6

During my last visit today, I reflected on the time I have spent volunteering at IPS Newcomer and how much it has had an impact on me. I was able to grow friendships with kids from different cultures that I would not have met without this experience. Each child had their own unique personality and… Continue reading ICR Reflection 12/6

ICR Reflection 12/1

During my visit today, I felt responsible for many more things than I normally am. Mr Swem, the class teacher, was absent due to a COVID-19 exposure and I had to enforce the norms of the classroom during my duration of the visit. I helped the substitute teacher put together the packets that the students… Continue reading ICR Reflection 12/1

Muslim Values in the Modern World

From reading the text, there seems to be a difference between American Muslims and traditional Muslims. While I have some American friends who would consider themselves traditional Muslims, their engagement in practices such as arranged marriages are significantly different from courtship for most Americans. I find it very interesting that most women in traditional Muslim… Continue reading Muslim Values in the Modern World

ICR Reflection: 10/25-11/15

10/25 During my visit today, I assisted Danury and Jose with writing sentences in English. They often needed some assistance from me and from google translate when they did not understand how to put their own thoughts down in English. Danury often forgot to put periods at the end of her sentences so I would… Continue reading ICR Reflection: 10/25-11/15

Families in Flux – Reproductive Ethics in the Middle East Reflection

Through my engagement in the discussion about reproductive ethics in the Middle East, I found many conversation points fascinating, specifically regarding artificial reproductive technologies (ART) in countries with large muslim populations. As someone with some knowledge of ART, it fascinates me that Islam as a religion both permits and encourages infertile families to utilize these… Continue reading Families in Flux – Reproductive Ethics in the Middle East Reflection

Introduction to the Qu’ran

After reading several excerpts from the Qur’an, I couldn’t help but notice many similarities, in both language and overall message, to the bible I grew up reading. A few examples of words used in both the Qur’an and in the Bible are “covenant,” “apostle,” and “merciful”. These terms indicate similarities between Islam and Christianity as… Continue reading Introduction to the Qu’ran

10/20 ICR Reflection

During my visit at IPS Newcomer, I assisted the class with several different activities including helping Juan and Danury develop his interpretation of a film the students watched in class. Additionally, I assisted Juan and Martin with a quizlet over the film that explains some of the english terms used in the film. At the… Continue reading 10/20 ICR Reflection

10/4 ICR Reflection

During my time at IPS Newcomer, I helped two kids (Jose and Danury) with their essay outlines in Language Arts class with Mr. Swem. Jose and Danury were both writing about technology, how it has been incorporated in American lives and why they believe it is either a good or a bad thing. I was… Continue reading 10/4 ICR Reflection