The Salt and Iron Debates

While reading this excerpt, I was able to draw many conclusions to the monopolies that exist in the United States today, and the residual effects they can have on those who are seduced by them. From the learned men’s perspective, the author writes,”If virtue is used to lead the people, they will return to honesty,… Continue reading The Salt and Iron Debates

“After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town” Reflection and Analysis

“After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town” describes the integration of American cuisine within China’s culture. Throughout my time reading this story, I began to think about my own enjoyment of Chinese food served here in America. I enjoy the “exotic” flavors and presence of many vegetables and lean meats compared to the majority of fried… Continue reading “After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town” Reflection and Analysis

“An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection and Analysis

After reading this short story, I began to notice many similarities between America and China regarding capitalism and the human response to wealth. Specifically, I was intrigued by the confusion and overwhelming emotion that the author felt as he became a recipient of what many would call, new money. Trying to adjust to his new… Continue reading “An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection and Analysis