
Poetry of Rumi #7 Walk to the well. Turn as the earth and the moon turn,circling what they love.Whatever circles come from the center. Rumi, aka the “drunken Sufi”, was known for finding exultation and bliss in the act of spinning, dancing, poetry, and music. Sufism, the mystical form of Islam that stresses an inward… Continue reading Rumi


Selected Hadith’s #5 Anas reported on the authority of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, He said: “None of you has faith unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” A hadith refers to a collection of sayings and morals the Prophet of Muhammad preached, or followed himself,… Continue reading Hadiths

Intro to prayer

After visiting the Raleigh masjid website, I found the explanation of Islamic prayer, and why, to be quite interesting and insightful towards the Islamic religion and culture. It starts off by talking about the 5 daily compulsory prayers, Salah, and how it keeps followers close with God as well as to keep yourself and the… Continue reading Intro to prayer


Quran Chapter 2 al-Baqara “The Cow” 2:190 “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth no transgressors.” 2:208 “Let there be no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that… Continue reading Quran

Ibn. Ishaq

Ibn Ishaq Messenger of God, starts by talking about the birth of Muhammad and his mother, Amina. It talks about how Amina and Muhammad’s father met, at Ka’ba, now an Islamic holy site. When Amina was pregnant, she was told by God that she was pregnant with the “lord of this people” and that she… Continue reading Ibn. Ishaq

Islamic World

The Islamic world documentary clip featured Dennis Wholey as he interviews Imam Sayed Hassan al-Qazwini, of the Islamic Center of America, about the Islamic religion. They discuss the Five Pillars of Islam, the Muslim view of life after death, sin, and how very few have created an infamous name for a whole group of people.… Continue reading Islamic World


Alive is story, by Ha Jin, that talks about the life of a man named Guhan. Guhan is sent to Taifu City, for business, and there he experiences a bad earthquake. After the earthquake, he suffers minor physical injuries but “lost his mind”, not being able to remember anything about himself. He’s then sent to… Continue reading Alive

A Bad Joke

A Bad Joke is story talking about when China was communist, and ultimately corrupt. The story starts with two main characters, walking into a hardware shop, and unsuspectingly being arrested by police. The two were then dragged to the police station and interrogated for days, being accused of speaking poorly against the new leader, Deng… Continue reading A Bad Joke

Mencius’ Mother

Mother of Mencius The story starts out by talking about how Mencius’ mother wanted the best for him at a young age in order to spur his development into becoming a student of the arts. It then describes a story of Mencius’ mother teaching Mencius that when he neglects his work, he then ruins the… Continue reading Mencius’ Mother


[2:15] The Master said: “You, shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don’t know, you don’t know. This is knowledge.” I personally agree with what Confucius is saying here when he says that knowledge, is knowing how much you and how much you don’t, because often now a-days people… Continue reading Confucius