Salt and Iron Debate

In this reading, I could see the perspective of both points and want to analyze them here. One side of the argument from the literati said, “But now in the provinces the salt, iron, and liquor monopolies, and the system of 
equitable marketing 
have been established to compete with the people for profit, dispelling 
… Continue reading Salt and Iron Debate


When reading Bridegroom I was very saddened by the progression of the story. There was a lot of injustice and ignorance from the characters regarding homosexuality. When Baowen was taken by the officers for attending the meeting, I was shocked to find out it was an offense punishable by imprisonment. They either put them in… Continue reading Bridegroom

Chuang Tzu

This reading had a lot of important and hard to grasp teachings. One in particular that stuck out to me was ,”I take inaction to be true happiness, but ordinary people think it is a bitter thing. I say: perfect happiness knows no happiness, perfect praise knows no praise. The world can’t decide what is… Continue reading Chuang Tzu

Daodejing Part 2

My favorite poem this reading assignment is: In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired. In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped. Less and less is done Until non-action is achieved. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. The world is ruled by letting things take their course. It… Continue reading Daodejing Part 2

The concept of ren

One on the most interesting concepts I came across while watching the BBC documentary was the concept of Ren. Ren has a few ways to be translated such as goodness, justice and courage but all in all it means humanity. It was said to be the  most essential thing to cultivate but the most difficult… Continue reading The concept of ren

Yin Yang Symbol

I have seen the Yin Yang symbol in stores, on clothing, in movies and in books. However, I had never taken the time to research the real meaning and history of this popular symbol. The Yin Yang symbol represents an interconnectedness of opposite forces in nature. The white and black colors represent opposites in the… Continue reading Yin Yang Symbol

A tiger fighter is hard to find

After reading ‘A Tiger Fighter is Hard to Find’ I was interested in China’s laws and regulations of animal protection. While researching I found out some interesting facts. “In 2018, the government took a leap in the wrong direction when a 25-year ban on the use of tiger bone and rhino horn in traditional medicine… Continue reading A tiger fighter is hard to find