Reflection on Rumi’s Poetry

The first thing that stuck out to me was the fact that these poems were written in free style rather than spaced out into verses, which I thought was a very interesting choice and almost seemed to make the poems flow better. I thought these poems in general flowed very well, even despite the translation,… Continue reading Reflection on Rumi’s Poetry

Selected Hadith and Class Discussion Review

I thought a very interesting point brought up in class yesterday was that most Americans (or those from Western countries in general) view Muslims and Islamic countries through an incredibly narrow, underdeveloped lens, never having been educated on the religion of Islam, it’s different branches such as Sunni and Shia, the Koran, or the laws… Continue reading Selected Hadith and Class Discussion Review

The Quran

The first thing that stood out to me while reading the Quran was how similar the style of writing was to the Bible, from the way they describe God, to the text being split into süras and verses. I also thought it was interesting how wide a range of subjects were covered by the different… Continue reading The Quran

Ibn Ishaq Excerpt

The first thing that stuck out to me in the reading was the fact that the prophet Muhammad is not considered to be the son of God, the same way Jesus is, instead he is called God’s apostle or prophet, which I thought was an interesting comparison. I also thought it was fascinating to learn… Continue reading Ibn Ishaq Excerpt

PBS China Undercover

This documentary was incredibly eye-opening on many fronts, most of them heartbreaking, with one fact in particular sticking in my mind: that the mass incarceration of the Uyghur ethnic group currently taking place in China is on a scale unprecedented since the incarceration of Jewish people during the Holocaust. While such a comparison may not… Continue reading PBS China Undercover

Mulan: Rise of a Warrior Film

Recently I watched a Chinese film from 2009 titled “Mulan: Rise of a Warrior” or “Mulan: Legendary Warrior” (depending on the translation). It was based off of the possibly historic/legendary “Ballad of Hua Mulan”, which is the oldest known telling of the famous heroine’s story and was probably composed during the Northern Wei dynasty, possibly around… Continue reading Mulan: Rise of a Warrior Film

The Salt and Iron Debates

Upon first reading the debate, I thought it seemed very similar to arguments which might be had in today’s political and economic climate, with conflicts between privatization of business and government control, in this case with the learned men (Confucian disciples) wanting to increase business privatization by dismantling the government-controlled monopoly of salt and iron,… Continue reading The Salt and Iron Debates