What the recent elections mean for the future of Iraq

This last week major elections happened in the country of Iraq for their new Prime Minister and parliament. The election was key for multiple reasons. It was a rushed election due to youth protests in the countries south. The election also tested the influence of Iran and their Shia backed paramilitary groups. Iran since the… Continue reading What the recent elections mean for the future of Iraq

What it means that US soldiers are training the ROC

This morning a shocking report came from the Wall Street Journal titled, “US troops have been deployed in Taiwan for the last year.” This news was suprising considering the policy the US has had since Nixon’s visit to China of a One-China policy which meant that the US only diplomatically recognizes the PRC as the… Continue reading What it means that US soldiers are training the ROC

Military under party

Reading about the PLA and how it works something very important to me stuck out. It was the idea that instead of being by itself, it is another wing of the political establishment of the PRC. A military run by a political party sounds crazy in theory but it also shows the idea of how… Continue reading Military under party

Mencius and his quote on life

Mencius writes, “I love life, but I also love righteousness and if I can not have both at the same time, I will sacrifice life to have righteousness.” There are few ideas that many would consider being worth sacrificing for and the moral ambiguity from Mencius shows here. I will say personally I can only… Continue reading Mencius and his quote on life

What Tiger Fighter tells us about Marvel’s new hero movie; Shang Chi

With Marvel’s first Asian lead superhero coming to theatres this week, I think it was important to point out the connection between this movie and Tiger Fighter considering class was centered around the idea of what is a superhero. Shang Chi tells the story of early Chinese tradition and a place shrouded by his father… Continue reading What Tiger Fighter tells us about Marvel’s new hero movie; Shang Chi

Why Cowboy Chicken is an indication of how people in America are more isolated culturally then they think

When Americans think about themselves in comparison to the rest of the world, the common thought is that people adapt to our customs and culture. In sports we see basketball growing in popularity throughout the world, food places like Subway and McDonalds growing in overseas numbers like never before, and American singers and bands going… Continue reading Why Cowboy Chicken is an indication of how people in America are more isolated culturally then they think