Introduction to the Qu’ran

After reading several excerpts from the Qur’an, I couldn’t help but notice many similarities, in both language and overall message, to the bible I grew up reading. A few examples of words used in both the Qur’an and in the Bible are “covenant,” “apostle,” and “merciful”. These terms indicate similarities between Islam and Christianity as… Continue reading Introduction to the Qu’ran

First Sura Readings

While reading the Suras, I noticed many similarities to Christianity such as how God created heaven and earth and knows everything, and how God is forgiving. There was a line in Sura 57 that said, “Know that the worldly life is only play, and distraction, and glitter, and boasting among you, and rivalry in wealth… Continue reading First Sura Readings

Suras Readings

In Sūra 57: Hadīd, or Iron the first section talks about praising God and the heavens. It then goes on to talk more about how he gives life and death and has power over all things. The third section talks about how God has knowledge over all things. The fourth section is longer and further… Continue reading Suras Readings

Reflection on assigned suras

When reading the assigned Suras, specifically the Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation, I found it interesting that it began by noting that it is the duty of every Muslim to read and understand the Quran, as well as to instruct others and share it with them. I think this reveals how central the Quran is to… Continue reading Reflection on assigned suras

Ibn Ishaq’s excerpt and Fred Donner’s “Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement” Reflection

In Ibn Ishaq’s excerpt and Fred Donner’s “Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement,” we learn that Muhammad starts off as a merchant and is largely viewed as a trustworthy individual. While this may not necessarily be true, we do get the sense that he is someone that is respected. I also found it interesting that Muhammad… Continue reading Ibn Ishaq’s excerpt and Fred Donner’s “Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement” Reflection


After reading the Suras for today’s class, I was surprised by how similar they were to what I have learned in my own faith. I am Catholic, and to me many of the Suras in the Qur’an were similar to the readings and the teachings found in the Bible. In Sura 57, there is even… Continue reading 10/26

Parallels in Books

Often times, there is some religious and/or sacred reading or teaching that goes along with a certain religion or faith. For christianity, there is the Bible, and for Islam, the Qur’an. In the Qur’an, there are a lot of “suras”, or sections, that explain and tell a story or lesson relating to the Islam faith.… Continue reading Parallels in Books

Ibn Ishaq Excerpt

The first thing that stuck out to me in the reading was the fact that the prophet Muhammad is not considered to be the son of God, the same way Jesus is, instead he is called God’s apostle or prophet, which I thought was an interesting comparison. I also thought it was fascinating to learn… Continue reading Ibn Ishaq Excerpt