
[2:15] The Master said: “You, shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don’t know, you don’t know. This is knowledge.” I personally agree with what Confucius is saying here when he says that knowledge, is knowing how much you and how much you don’t, because often now a-days people… Continue reading Confucius

Tao te Ching

#64 “…. A tree too big to embrace is born from a slender shoot. A nine-story rises from a pile of earth. A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step. Act and you ruin it. Grasp and you lose it. Therefore the Sage does not act and so does not ruin Does not grasp and… Continue reading Tao te Ching

China Conclusion

It really is crazy to think how much content you can fit in 6 weeks or so and be able to retain so much of it. Starting with Ha Jin, then onto Confucius, and things like Mencius and yin-yang, and a bunch of other elements dealing with Chinese teachings. It is cool to learn a… Continue reading China Conclusion

Tiger Fighter

I found this story a little disturbing and strange. They are shooting a movie and are trying to use a live tiger, which first off does not make sense. Then they try to get men to play the tiger and willingly get beat up while pretending to be a tiger. By the end of this… Continue reading Tiger Fighter

An Entrepreneurs story

This story is simply a great representation of the marriage culture in China. Parents are in charge of finding their daughters a husband who is rich and can take care of them. We see in this story the girl’s mom does not like the boy… until he becomes rich. Suddenly the mom loves him and… Continue reading An Entrepreneurs story

Feng Yen

Letter from Feng Yen to his Brother-in-law After reading this passage, it made me think about how many times in Chinese culture, marital partners are picked for you instead of it being a choice. We see Feng-Yen in his old age wishing he had left his wife earlier but didn’t have it in him to… Continue reading Feng Yen