What it means that US soldiers are training the ROC

This morning a shocking report came from the Wall Street Journal titled, “US troops have been deployed in Taiwan for the last year.” This news was suprising considering the policy the US has had since Nixon’s visit to China of a One-China policy which meant that the US only diplomatically recognizes the PRC as the… Continue reading What it means that US soldiers are training the ROC

10/6 ICR Reflection

Today Benny came in and gave us a 45-minute lecture on the history of Chinese immigration in the 19th, 20th, and 21stcenturies. Benny emphasized that since China’s population and land mass is so large, Chinese people immigrate all over the world as well as inside the country. If there’s a drought or famine in one… Continue reading 10/6 ICR Reflection

Military under party

Reading about the PLA and how it works something very important to me stuck out. It was the idea that instead of being by itself, it is another wing of the political establishment of the PRC. A military run by a political party sounds crazy in theory but it also shows the idea of how… Continue reading Military under party

10/06 ICR Reflection – IACA

Today we met with Benny Ko from the Indiana Association of Chinese Americans (IACA) and he gave us a quick, hour-long lecture over the history of Chinese immigration. It was our first-time meeting Benny, so it was nice to get a brief explanation of his background. Benny was born in Hong Kong. Like many others,… Continue reading 10/06 ICR Reflection – IACA

China Undercover

The levels that the government in China is going to are insane. The people have no freedoms and are always being watched. The level of security that they are implementing in the citizen’s everyday life is a violation of privacy. Why they feel the need to watch their every move is crazy to me. And… Continue reading China Undercover

9/22 ICR Reflection

Today we met Kwan and he gave a presentation on what the IACA is. He brought in Chinese restaurant food, which was really good. Kwan kept saying how this meeting is meant to be informal and casual, so when he presented, he sat down at a desk so we could have an open discussion. He… Continue reading 9/22 ICR Reflection

Saboteur & Bad Joke Reflection

These two stories show the consequences of upsetting authority and insulting powerful people in China. In Saboteur, the protagonist was imprisoned for something that was not his fault. However, since the police officer had a higher societal rank than the man, he was put in jail and asked to confess to his crime, which didn’t… Continue reading Saboteur & Bad Joke Reflection

Confucius Confusion

There are many people in life that we could point to and say that he or she made a big difference and really set some sort of standard in some way shape or form. For a lot of people, they would say Confucius, and I can see why. Confucius really drew out and explained what… Continue reading Confucius Confusion