Mencius’ Mother Reflection

The story “Mencius’ Mother,” recounts Mencius’ upbringing and brings up several important aspects of raising children in China. One recurring idea I noticed throughout the story is that Mencius’ mother is very careful about the environment that her son is raised in. For example, at the beginning of the story, when Mencius is very little,… Continue reading Mencius’ Mother Reflection

Balance, Rocks, and Flowers

“The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world.   That which has no substance enters where there is no space. This shows the value of non-action.   Teaching without words, performing without actions: that is the Master’s way.” (Daodejing #43)   I had to read this a couple of times… Continue reading Balance, Rocks, and Flowers

Daoism and the Self

  “Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength.   He who knows he has enough is rich. Perseverance is a sign of willpower. He who stays where he is endures. To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.” (Daodejing #33)  … Continue reading Daoism and the Self

What is a Great Man

Menicus’s definition of a “great man” is something that everyone in the world needs to hear. Seriously. I know that that is said for many statements that are profound, but this is truly the exception. He defines a “great man” as someone who has not lost the heart of a child. When we think of… Continue reading What is a Great Man

Control and Kitchen Knives

I thought that the section titled “C” by Chuang Tzu was extremely thought provoking. The metaphor of the knife and life was especially interesting. The idea of trying to force something makes it so much harder, like the mediocre chef and his hacking. But if you were to let the knife, or life, guide you… Continue reading Control and Kitchen Knives

IACA ICR Reflection

During this meeting for the IACA ICR, we were introduced to the organization by Kwan. To start the evening, we were also provided Chinese food. We had both lo mein and dumplings. This was my first-time having dumplings, which were very good! We then got to learn about Kwan’s life and the actual organization. IACA… Continue reading IACA ICR Reflection


Wisdom of Confucius “If there is nothing that man loves more than life, then does he not permit himself to do anything in order to save it? And if there is nothing that man hates more than death, then why does he not always avoid dangers that could be avoided? And so there are times… Continue reading Mencius


Flame by Ha Jin is story of a past love, from the military writing to the main character Nimei, to just reacquaint and see how she’s doing. Nimei, dumbstruck, agreed to their meeting and looked forward to seeing her old friend. Except Nimei, as well as the old lover, currently have families and have seemingly… Continue reading Flame