Reflecting on IACA Meeting 9/22

Our first session together was with Dr. Kwan Hui and he brought Chinese takeout. He talked to us about the organization and who is in charge. It was interesting to hear about the leadership and each person’s background; they have an incredibly diverse population which is something Kwan touched on multiple times. The IACA isn’t… Continue reading Reflecting on IACA Meeting 9/22

Chuang Tzu Reflection

So to start off I just want to point out my favorite quote from the reading. “YOUR LIFE HAS A LIMIT but knowledge has none.” This basically states that if you pursue what has no limit, you will be placed in danger. And to top it off if you know this and still want to… Continue reading Chuang Tzu Reflection

Chuang Tzu

After completing the reading, I realized two things. Firstly, I found it a bit hard to follow, however, I found myself attempting to tie some things together through philosophical thoughts. A section that particularly stood out to me was section C, when Cook Ting was cutting up an ox for Lord Wen-hui. It began with… Continue reading Chuang Tzu


One of the things we always talk about when reading Ha Jin is that there is a lesson in each story. I think that the lesson in Flame occurs at the end, specifically with this sentence, “If you have power, you can always get the best stuff free.” The main question remaining in the story… Continue reading Flame

Mencius and his quote on life

Mencius writes, “I love life, but I also love righteousness and if I can not have both at the same time, I will sacrifice life to have righteousness.” There are few ideas that many would consider being worth sacrificing for and the moral ambiguity from Mencius shows here. I will say personally I can only… Continue reading Mencius and his quote on life

Chuang Tzu

This reading had a lot of important and hard to grasp teachings. One in particular that stuck out to me was ,”I take inaction to be true happiness, but ordinary people think it is a bitter thing. I say: perfect happiness knows no happiness, perfect praise knows no praise. The world can’t decide what is… Continue reading Chuang Tzu

Chuang Tzu & Han Jin’s “Flame” Blog Post

The Chuang Tzu reading had some interesting messages embedded within its stories. Passage A talks about the “Perfect Man,” who does not know anything, essentially. Chuang Tzu further explains this by saying that all things, such as good and evil, are intertwined and cannot be defined as one or the other. Therefore, the Perfect Man… Continue reading Chuang Tzu & Han Jin’s “Flame” Blog Post