Analects of Confucius

One of the excerpts we didn’t mention in class was 4:5. “ConfuciusĀ  said, ‘Riches and honors are what all men desire. But if they cannot be attained in accordance with the Way they should not be kept. Poverty and low status are what all men hate. But if they cannot be avoided while staying in… Continue reading Analects of Confucius

Confucius Excerpt Thoughts

I found the excerpts to be very interesting, mostly because I had never even heard of Confucius until this class. My high school did not have a world history course and Confucius wasn’t taught anywhere else; therefore, I am just now learning about him and his influence. The one choice of words that I wanted… Continue reading Confucius Excerpt Thoughts

The Great Learning

I thought that this collection of guidelines from the Confucian Canon was important to understanding Chinese culture, as well as Confucius’ ideas. One thing I noticed about this text is that each of the ideas build off of each other. For example, #9 states, “things being investigated, knowledge became complete. Their knowledge being complete, their… Continue reading The Great Learning

Tao Te Ching – Part 1

My favorite poem from the ones we had to read for class was #29. I think I was drawn to it because out of all of the ones we read, it was the most relatable to my life. I have trouble with controlling things around me and always wanting to have a plan for everything.… Continue reading Tao Te Ching – Part 1

Tiger Fighter

One of the most interesting themes in this short story was the cost different people were willing to pay just to get a perfect tiger fighting scene. The “Prince” ended up becoming mentally ill because he was so convinced that he was truly a tiger killer and wanted to keep killing tigers again and again.… Continue reading Tiger Fighter

The concept of ren

One on the most interesting concepts I came across while watching the BBC documentary was the concept of Ren. Ren has a few ways to be translated such as goodness, justice and courage but all in all it means humanity. It was said to be theĀ  most essential thing to cultivate but the most difficult… Continue reading The concept of ren

Tao Te Ching

The poems of the Tao Te Ching were very interesting and extremely fun to read. The poems were, by definition, different in theme but when you look at them as a collective, you see the basis of the moral code of the religion itself. The poems are filled with these ideas that all flow together… Continue reading Tao Te Ching

The Great Learning Reflection

In previous world history courses we had touched upon The Great Learning and of Confucianism, but I enjoyed learning more about this concept and going more in-depth. I found it interesting to note that The Great Learning, although they closely represent the views and ideas of Confucius and attributed to him, they were not actually… Continue reading The Great Learning Reflection