Prep For ICR Discussion of the Children’s Museum Exhibit: Take Me To China

This week for our ICR we took a look at the Take Me To China section of the Indianapolis Children’s Museum. To prep for this meeting, we were assigned to go through the tour and analyze the information and prep for our meeting with Kwan to discuss our findings. This museum exhibit series is very… Continue reading Prep For ICR Discussion of the Children’s Museum Exhibit: Take Me To China

ICR 11/17

I had an awesome experience at the Newcomer Program today. In math, we talked about dividing, subtracting, and multiplying decimals – which is something I hadn’t done in quite awhile. I walked around and helped the kids work on a worksheet. In art, the kids took an exam. It seemed to be difficult despite how… Continue reading ICR 11/17

Cairo House Chapter 10

The beginning of this chapter presents an interesting issue considering refugees. The author talks about how he is returning to Iran and encounters an airport agent who is the same age when he arrives. There is a moment of awkwardness when the agent asks what his point of origin is, to which he replies “America.”… Continue reading Cairo House Chapter 10

Social Justice in Islam

This reading talks about the relationship between Islam and society. In my understanding, the author is claiming that Islam and society are one in the same. The practice of Islam applies to all facets of life and is not only for the religious sphere. Instead, Islam is universal. It can apply to everyone equally and… Continue reading Social Justice in Islam

11/14 ICR Reflection

For today’s ICR, we observed a private Chinese language lesson taught by instructor Tian Tan. She began the class with a Chinese poem that Elon Musk had posted and captioned “Humankind.” The poem was about how beans are cooked in the same pot and all come from the same roots. Yet, they attack each other… Continue reading 11/14 ICR Reflection

Poetry of Rumi

This was an important section of poems to read. One that stuck out to me in particular was #14, “Two hands, two feet, two eyes, good, as it should be, but no separation of the Friend and your loving. Any dividing there makes other untrue distinctions like “Jew,” and “Christian,” and “Muslim.” The most important… Continue reading Poetry of Rumi