Reflecting on Rumi

“Two hands, two feet, two eyes, good, as it should be, but no separation of the Friend and your loving. Any dividing there makes other untrue distinctions like ‘Jew,’ and ‘Christian,’ and ‘Muslim.’” I chose this quote from Rumi because I thought it was timely and also connected back to my PO322 class. I think… Continue reading Reflecting on Rumi

Phil Chan ~ The Multiracial Future of the Arts

Today, I had the opportunity to attend not one, but two presentations by Phil Chan where he discussed the future of the arts, more specifically in the ballet world, in terms of representing different cultures through movement, costumes, and appearances. Phil Chan is the co-founder of Final Bow for Yellowface, a movement to make a… Continue reading Phil Chan ~ The Multiracial Future of the Arts


Sufism in general means the inner mystical dimension of Islam. Since it is so widespread it’s practices are extremely diverse, depending on what region it is in. Before orthodox Islam was established, mystics were the original Muslims and friends of Muhammad. Sufis believe that “the universe, with all of its seemingly complex entities, forms a… Continue reading Sufism

11/04 ICR Reflection

For this ICR session with the IACA, we learned self-defense techniques and Tai Chi with Master Ling at his Oriental Martial Arts studio in Noblesville. The studio had a huge mat with a long mirror on one of the walls. We took off our shoes right when we came in since most martial arts are… Continue reading 11/04 ICR Reflection

My next drum circle

For this drum circle, we were back on campus. The main part of is what I have come used too drumming and setting up. We had more outside guests which was good because it really opens it up more and we learn more from everyone’s own background in it. I spent the majority of the… Continue reading My next drum circle

Thursday class discussion on stereotyping-reflection

I thought our discussion in class on Thursday regarding the origin of most racism being stereotyping was an especially important conversation to have, and unfortunately, we often base our assumptions about a person or group on a particular encounter or story on the news and not actually thinking for ourselves. In my First-Year Seminar class… Continue reading Thursday class discussion on stereotyping-reflection

5 pillars of Islam Notes

Islam has established 5 pillars of faith: Shahadah, which is the profession of faith. The point of this pillar is to express the constant commitment to islam and shows acceptance by the muslims who recite the creed that there is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of this God. Salah, which is… Continue reading 5 pillars of Islam Notes

Reflecting on IACA 11/4

On Thursday last week, six of us went to a martial arts studio. I thought we were going to do tai chi, but we ended up doing kung fu. Master Ling was not shy and was happy to do takedowns on us all. At the beginning, I was not excited to be there because he… Continue reading Reflecting on IACA 11/4