
One of the things we talked about in class today was why the Islamic religion is perceived as being so strict. I think that one of the things that points to this is the rigidity of the requirements and what people think the punishments are for breaking them. The Muslim religion requires scheduled prayers, fasting,… Continue reading 11/4

Intro to prayer

After visiting the Raleigh masjid website, I found the explanation of Islamic prayer, and why, to be quite interesting and insightful towards the Islamic religion and culture. It starts off by talking about the 5 daily compulsory prayers, Salah, and how it keeps followers close with God as well as to keep yourself and the… Continue reading Intro to prayer

The Hadith and Fiqh Akbar

The Hadith is comprised of passages of Muhammad’s own beliefs and thoughts that are not found in the Qur’an. The Qur’an itself is God’s word spoken through Muhammad, but the Hadith is Muhammad’s own words. My favorite verse from the reading was, “Every good deed is charity, and it is a good deed that thou… Continue reading The Hadith and Fiqh Akbar

10/28 Notes Qur’an II

I knew that there were multiple times Muslims prayed a day. I knew there was a certain kind of cloth they put down to kneel on, but I didn’t realize not all muslims so that. I guess it depends on how religious you are or where you are in the world. In the United States,… Continue reading 10/28 Notes Qur’an II

Reflecting on Sharia

I really enjoyed the “What Sharia means: 5 questions answered” article online. I found it really interesting the setup with questions and then responses which answer the question, but also provide a lot of educational information and background. There was a little blurb about the author to give the article credibility, and there were a… Continue reading Reflecting on Sharia