Five Pillars

One of the themes I have noticed throughout this unit are the similarities between Islam and Christianity. This is especially true with the Five Pillars in today’s reading. I found a variety of parallels between these and many of the rules in my religion, Catholicism. The first pillar, Shahadah, is declaring a belief in Allah.… Continue reading Five Pillars


Quran Chapter 2 al-Baqara “The Cow” 2:190 “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth no transgressors.” 2:208 “Let there be no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that… Continue reading Quran

The Five Pillars of Islam and the similarities to Christianity

The five pillars are five ways that guide Muslims to living a good life and being good people. They are enforced in households and children learn them by going to mosques with their families. The first pillar is Shahadah, which is that there is only one God Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of… Continue reading The Five Pillars of Islam and the similarities to Christianity

The Prominence of Pillars

When it comes to religions, businesses, or any type of organizations, there are a few defined rules/guidelines/events that must be followed. In Islam, there are 5 pillars that every follower must take part in. The first one deals with how everyone must believe that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad is the messenger… Continue reading The Prominence of Pillars

Thoughts from class this week

In class this week, we discussed how various languages sound and how this has an impact on attitudes. For example, languages that have harsher sounds, like German, may give the impression of being more aggressive. This is similar to Arabic as well, as the language has many glottal stops. However, watching the video of someone… Continue reading Thoughts from class this week