10/20 ICR Reflection

During my visit at IPS Newcomer, I assisted the class with several different activities including helping Juan and Danury develop his interpretation of a film the students watched in class. Additionally, I assisted Juan and Martin with a quizlet over the film that explains some of the english terms used in the film. At the… Continue reading 10/20 ICR Reflection

Cairo House 1-26

I thought the reading for today was interesting, especially when it comes to gender roles. The main character was not allowed to see the animals slaughtered or observe the ritual. She couldn’t even ask her mother to do so, because she knew she would say no, and going against that advice would have been more… Continue reading Cairo House 1-26

Islam Introduction

As the second part of the semester gets underway, we shift our focus from China onto Islam and everything that it embodies and means. Personally, I do not have much of an understanding of what Islam is or what muslims stand for. I almost see that as a good thing because a lot of this… Continue reading Islam Introduction

What the recent elections mean for the future of Iraq

This last week major elections happened in the country of Iraq for their new Prime Minister and parliament. The election was key for multiple reasons. It was a rushed election due to youth protests in the countries south. The election also tested the influence of Iran and their Shia backed paramilitary groups. Iran since the… Continue reading What the recent elections mean for the future of Iraq

China Review

I really enjoyed learning about China and Chinese culture. I haven’t really had much education on that part of the world before, and so almost everything we talked/read about was new information. My favorite part of the semester was reading the stories because the culture is so different in China compared to America, but also,… Continue reading China Review

Islam Documentary Clip and The Cairo House (pp. 1-26)

The documentary is a twenty-eight minute clip of Dennis Wholey interviewing Iman Hassan Qazwini. Coming into this section of the course, I had no previous knowledge over the religion of Islam. I even had to Google what it meant to be Muslim, which I now know refers to someone who follows or practices Islam. The term… Continue reading Islam Documentary Clip and The Cairo House (pp. 1-26)