“Wisdom of Confucius” and “Eminence in Learning” Reflection

One of the assigned readings for this week, Han Fei Tzu’s “Eminence in Learning,” discusses the idea that although both Mo Tzu and Confucius followed the teachings of Yao and Shun, their doctrines and practices differ greatly. For example, for funerals, Confucians state that mourning garments must be worn for three years as a symbol… Continue reading “Wisdom of Confucius” and “Eminence in Learning” Reflection

Tendencies of Man

As humans, we know that there are a few things that we instinctively do just as a result of being human. Hsun Tzu explains in “Man’s Nature Is Evil” how man does a few intangible things that just make sense. A big point he was trying to make was profit and beautifulness. We all want… Continue reading Tendencies of Man

Tao Te Ching Poems 41-81

“The best athlete wants his opponent at his best. The best general enters the mind of his enemy. The best businessman serves the communal good. The best leader follows the will of the people. All of the embody the virtue of non-competition. Not that they don’t love to compete, but they do it in the… Continue reading Tao Te Ching Poems 41-81

The Daodejing, Poems 41-81

The poem that was most intriguing to me was one brought up in class, #60. It reads, “Govern big countries like you cook a little fish. When Tao harmonizes the world, demons lose their power. Not that demons lose their power, but their power does not harm people. Not that their power does not harm… Continue reading The Daodejing, Poems 41-81

Confucius Thoughts

Within our discussion of Confucius and after reading through the excerpts it made me think of what I would be willing to give up if I had to choose and what I really want in life. It makes you also think what are the bare minimums you would want in your life. If you look… Continue reading Confucius Thoughts

Tao Te Ching 68

“The accomplished person is not aggressive. The good soldier is not hot tempered.The best conqueror does not engage the enemy. The most effective leader takes the lowest place.This is called the Te of not contending. This is called the power of the leader. This is called matching Heaven’s ancient ideal.” This is one of my… Continue reading Tao Te Ching 68

Tao Te Ching 41-81 Analysis

The second half of Tao Te Ching has some very complex and meaningful messages in each of its passages. One quote I like is from Poem 68, which defines how to be a good leader and govern people. It says that the best leader will humble themselves and not engage the enemy. Rather, it is… Continue reading Tao Te Ching 41-81 Analysis

Tao Te Ching continued..

For number 76 when he explains how trees are born soft and tender but die withered and sere, it relates to human life in a sense that’s how everyone is born but after a fulfilled life our time really has come. Daoism advocates flexibility and humility when it talks about the weak overcoming the strong… Continue reading Tao Te Ching continued..