Morris Rossabi, “A History of China” Reflection-Legalism vs. Confucianism

In a previous world history course, we spent a large amount of time studying the various major world belief systems, including several of those practiced in China. Two of these belief systems, Confucianism and Legalism, were discussed in this week’s reading, and I found it interesting to compare the two as a read and note… Continue reading Morris Rossabi, “A History of China” Reflection-Legalism vs. Confucianism

A tiger fighter is hard to find

After reading ‘A Tiger Fighter is Hard to Find’ I was interested in China’s laws and regulations of animal protection. While researching I found out some interesting facts. “In 2018, the government took a leap in the wrong direction when a 25-year ban on the use of tiger bone and rhino horn in traditional medicine… Continue reading A tiger fighter is hard to find

Why Cowboy Chicken is an indication of how people in America are more isolated culturally then they think

When Americans think about themselves in comparison to the rest of the world, the common thought is that people adapt to our customs and culture. In sports we see basketball growing in popularity throughout the world, food places like Subway and McDonalds growing in overseas numbers like never before, and American singers and bands going… Continue reading Why Cowboy Chicken is an indication of how people in America are more isolated culturally then they think

Karma? Boastfulness?

We have all been told that karma is going to come back and bite us eventually if we do something bad or good, it works both ways. Another big topic that has been recommended is to be humble and not brag about our possessions or accomplishments. In “A Tiger-Fighter Is Hard to Find” by Ha… Continue reading Karma? Boastfulness?

Reflecting on “After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town”

Much like An Entrepreneur’s Story, After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town (both by Ha Jin) is a long-winded and entertaining sort of satire on capitalism and wealth. For this story specifically, however, it looks at the “American way of doing business” within Chinese culture. I found it incredibly telling the way so many of the “Americanized business… Continue reading Reflecting on “After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town”