China News 12/3

I looked up “China News” into Google and found the South China Morning Post, which had a story on the economy in China–specifically the rising inflation pressures and covid-19 outbreaks. The news site was in English (luckily), so it was very similar to how I get my American news, but, obviously, all the stories and… Continue reading China News 12/3

ICR Reflection 12/1

During my visit today, I felt responsible for many more things than I normally am. Mr Swem, the class teacher, was absent due to a COVID-19 exposure and I had to enforce the norms of the classroom during my duration of the visit. I helped the substitute teacher put together the packets that the students… Continue reading ICR Reflection 12/1

12/1 ICR Reflection ~ Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

For our meeting on December 1st, we had a guest speaker, Dr. Gonzalo T. Chua, who talked to us about Chinese calligraphy and painting. He mentioned how Chinese writing first started out as pictures of objects and signs representing the concepts in a script called Oracle bone script. For example, the word “fish” in this… Continue reading 12/1 ICR Reflection ~ Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

Powerhouse in the Middle East

Qatar is a country located on the Persian Gulf, and they have a booming economy thanks to the abundance of natural resources that are used for energy. Their Gross Domestic Product per capita is an astounding $127,700, which makes it the highest in the region by a wide margin. In comparison to the United States,… Continue reading Powerhouse in the Middle East

11/17 ICR Reflection

For this session, we talked about the virtual museum exhibit Take Me There China at the Children’s Museum. We each talked about what we liked in the exhibit and Kwan also added his thoughts and details behind each topic. I talked about the Beijing Opera, which said that the opera has been performing for 200… Continue reading 11/17 ICR Reflection

Reflections on Religious Harmony

On Sunday November 14, I attended a Zoom call with members of the Focolare Movement and the American Society of Muslims.  The meeting was also attended by members of the Nur Allah Islamic Center.  People from Sweden, Italy, the United States, Ireland, and other countries attended the meeting.  The meeting was a celebration of the… Continue reading Reflections on Religious Harmony

History of the Chinese Yuan

This article that I found explains, briefly, the history of Chinese currency. It is fascinating that China is reportedly the first nations that created currency and used it in lieu of trading two goods. They also were one of the firsts to experiment with paper currency, and through the Silk Road, it gained popularity in… Continue reading History of the Chinese Yuan

ICR at Pacers Game

On Saturday November 20, I attended an Indiana pacers game with some members of Nur Allah.  During the game, I talked to the weekend school students and the adult members of the organization.  I enjoyed talking to the other members and learning more about them and their lives.  There were not very many aspects of… Continue reading ICR at Pacers Game