“An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection

In Ha Jin’s The Bridegroom, “An Entrepreneur’s Story” explores a man’s experiences and reflections on the way he is treated differently when he is wealthy and has money. The short story’s opening quote “I never thought money could make such a difference” gives the reader a glimpse into the narrator’s realization that his riches cause… Continue reading “An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection

“After Cowboy Chicken Came To Town” Reflection

“After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town”, a short story found in The Bridegroom by Ha Jin, explores the story of an American fast food restaurant in the Chinese town of Muji City. Told from the perspective of Hongwen, an employee at the Cowboy Chicken restaurant, Jin illuminates the clash of cultures that takes place between… Continue reading “After Cowboy Chicken Came To Town” Reflection

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