Turkish Lira

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkeys-erdogan-says-rates-will-come-down-hitting-lira-2021-11-26/ I was recently reading an article about Erdogan declaring that Turkey will not rely on international aid to help high interest rates and to help the value of the lira increase, but rather he will support actions that stimulate the Turkish economy like production and employment. This sent me on a rabbit hole, where… Continue reading Turkish Lira

Ancient Medical Techniques and Their Modern Day Uses

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/research/advancements-in-research/fundamentals/in-depth/when-east-meets-west While combing through the internet, I came across this interesting page about a medical researcher that is using old Chinese medical records to help create new drugs. This was extremely interesting to me because it made me think about how much the world could progress if there was more of an emphasis on working… Continue reading Ancient Medical Techniques and Their Modern Day Uses

Muslim Values in the Modern World

From reading the text, there seems to be a difference between American Muslims and traditional Muslims. While I have some American friends who would consider themselves traditional Muslims, their engagement in practices such as arranged marriages are significantly different from courtship for most Americans. I find it very interesting that most women in traditional Muslim… Continue reading Muslim Values in the Modern World

Sports and China

I recently read an article that was an opinion piece on the role of China in international sports. Obviously, China plays an enormous role in this sector of human life, like putting forth lots of money through their talented athletes and the myriad of spectators that will come and watch the matches. With this, many… Continue reading Sports and China

11/11 Notes Revolution in Egypt and Elsewhere in the Middle East

Mohammed Ali ruled over Egypt and was the start of the royal family. I don’t know much about him, Egypt, or Islam, so everything I learned this class was new information for me. I liked learning about how Muslims were seen as in need of enlightenment, even though they didn’t because they were have already… Continue reading 11/11 Notes Revolution in Egypt and Elsewhere in the Middle East

ICR Reflection: 10/25-11/15

10/25 During my visit today, I assisted Danury and Jose with writing sentences in English. They often needed some assistance from me and from google translate when they did not understand how to put their own thoughts down in English. Danury often forgot to put periods at the end of her sentences so I would… Continue reading ICR Reflection: 10/25-11/15

Now that Cairo House is over

After reading Cairo House, I grew a new understanding of Middle Eastern culture. It was clear that the geopolitics of the region also had cultural effects. For instance, the rise and subsequent fall of Nasser brought change to Egypt in how people went upon their day. While Nasser himself was an anti-imperialist against the West,… Continue reading Now that Cairo House is over

Take Me to China Reflection

The evening began with technical malfunctions which resulted in us having to use our own laptops, but the experience was just as invigorating. Kwan asked us to prepare before hand what we had gathered from the virtual tour we were able to take at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis where they have a current exhibit… Continue reading Take Me to China Reflection