The Taliban

Reading through the article about the Taliban shocks me and is also interesting to see and really know why we fought against them for so long. I cannot imagine a government restricting you from watching any TV or movies and not allowing music to be played. They wanted to “restore peace” but by doing this… Continue reading The Taliban

“Not Without My Veil”

This documentary talks about women in the Islamic culture. The first woman that is interviewed talks about how she was raised in England so she grew up with western culture and when she went back home because she wasn’t dressed like them or walked slow enough for them then didn’t speak to her in Arabic.… Continue reading “Not Without My Veil”

Our first indoor drum circle

For today’s drum circle we spent the session inside due to the snow. Honestly it was still pretty cold but fun. The theme for this circle was about the islands of Okinawa which are a set of islands in Japan’s south. We learned the traditional terms there, parts of the language, and for the best… Continue reading Our first indoor drum circle

The Fiqh Akbar I

I thought this reading was interesting and has a lot of different sentiments. One of the articles that sounded familiar to sayings we use today was #3, “what reaches you could not possibly have missed you; and what misses you could not possibly have reached you.” This is similar to many modern sayings. I often… Continue reading The Fiqh Akbar I

ICR 11/10

This was one of the best visits I have had to the IPS Newcomer Program. In math, the kids took a test. This was the first time I have been able to witness an exam in person since volunteering at the school. Most of the time, I observe the kids working together – not separately.… Continue reading ICR 11/10


While reading the poetry of Rumi, there was a poem that focuses on the idea of fasting. This poem I found especially interesting because I felt that I could appreciate it more after watching the video of the Butler alum fasting. I was able to understand the mental fortitude that it takes, and it added… Continue reading Fasting