
Treatment of Chinese Workers 1/22

Wow this is exciting, first blog! Welcome everyone. As I was reading A Tiger-Fighter is Hard to Find by Ha Jin I was taken aback by how little consideration people in positions of power had for the workers on set of the film. It was distressing to find out that the director wanted to continue to film the scene with Huping fighting Little Dou who was in the tiger costume, despite the fact that Little Dou was screaming for Huping to stop beating him to death. The physical health of Little Dou and the mental health of Huping were completely disregarded by those in charge of the film. This section sparked an interest in the treatment of workers in China.

Being a political science and history major, many aspects of this class interest me. I have some background knowledge of the treatment of laborers in China after taking Chinese Politics and US and Asia Pacific relations. After a quick refresher and online survey, I found that the treatment of workers at some corporations in China is not very promising. I was not surprised to find out that an American Corporation, Apple, was exploiting some of its factory workers in China. Workers have complained of “exposure to toxic chemicals, verbal abuse and forced labor”. It seems to be the same story that Ha Jin tells just different characters, and unfortunately they are real people serving the injustices.

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