
News Report – Detention Camps in Xinjiang

  • Growing a beard
  • Making international calls
  • Having a passport
  • Having too many kids
  • Wearing a vail

What do these things have in common? According to CNN, they are reasons the Chinese government has been detaining citizens.

Recently, a report was leaked that contained highly detailed information on over 300 families, with the majority being of muslim heritage. These reports listed information on why these citizens were detained, and many of the reasoning is due to superficial charges.

There are four detainment facilities in western China (Xinjiang), which the Chinese government has publicly described as “vocational training centers.” However, after the reports were leaked, many former prisoners have come out to say that they are crowded, prisoner like facilities where the inmates are subjected to torture (i.e. concentration camps).

These camps are believed to have approximately one million prisoners, but the Chinese government says the reports are fake news and 100% rumors.

It is my hope that the full extent of this injustice is revealed. I will continue to check for updates.

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