
Muslims Ritual Practices in Relation to COVID-19

As cases of COVID-19 have been increasing rapidly by the day I questioned how countries our class studies have been effected. In the past week countries such as our own have been tragically affected by this virus. As everyone would love for life to return to normal many have taken precautions to limit the spread of the virus. Specifically in countries with high populations of Muslims have used their own religious practices to fight against the virus.

An article states that many Muslims practice “ritual purity” before praying. This consists of bathing, washing hands and faces before prayer. Experts say that these practices may be what is needed to stop the spread of the virus.

Having these practices of cleansing often may be decreasing cases without Muslims taking extra practices. In addition Muslims have been cleansing with hand sanitizer in addition to water to remove more germs. In addition many mosques have stopped holding services in order to promote social distancing. My own Catholic church has done the same, stopping Sunday mass for the next two weeks in order to stop the spread.

Our world is rapidly changing with this virus. Besides these religious practices, everyone must focus on stopping the spread of this virus so our lives can become normal once again.