
Salah compared to Common Christian Prayer

I felt that this could possibly be an intriguing topic and it certainly panned out to be so. I figured it would be really fun to compare to almost polar opposite forms of prayer. I mean as a non-denominational Christian I feel like our prayer is very low key. I can have a conversation with God whenever I feel like the time is right, and really however I feel like doing so. There aren’t really any rules to what I do or what I say, it’s just that I should keep in touch with him however I see fit.

While researching Salah, Islamic Prayer, it’s easy to see that it’s very much more structured that what I’ve previously described. While I could pray before I go to sleep just in the comfort of my bed, in Salah there is a proper cleaning before hand and clothes required. In Salah everything is written for you, even the direction you will pray in, and the positions you will be in whilst you pray.

Even though some people may find this way of praying very different, or some may say extreme. I find it interesting and I think it’s honestly a beautiful thing. It’s a different kind of bond with their God, and I respect it very much so. I feel that while the Islamic people go through every one of these steps, their connection with God is unique. I enjoy reading and learning about the uniqueness of this relationship that they have.