
Current Middle East Economics

While pondering things to write about today I came across a rather interesting article about something that I’ve been yet to think of. During all of the outbreak the only thing I feel that I’ve thought about is how much longer I’m stuck in my house, and when am I going to be finished with online school. I’ve been researching the stock market, and keeping in touch with basic world news.

However after tying both these world interests and stock interests together I found an article that was rather alarming. The Arab Tourism Organization has projected to lose $40 Billion, if the COVID-19 virus continues to ravage the world in line with its projections through the end of April.

This was a huge shock to me just to read, I mean 40 billion dollars? That’s enough to shut down probably hundreds of vacation areas, imagine the restaurants or shopping areas that purely rely on tourism to come around. A truly sad number, and sad to read about for the people that will be affected by this.

Any of the above factual information is credited to the Haaretz news paper, I am not claiming as my own. Simply analyzing it, and giving other people things to think about.