
Virtual ICR Reflection 4/7

In virtual ICR service, I tutored two students over the phone. Our discussion and lesson were centered around the three branches of government. This included who made up each branch, the purpose of each branch, where each branch was located, and current issues related to each branch of government. This information is important for these students to learn because they are studying for the citizenship test.

In Cairo House on page 138, Samia Serageldin writes, “Sometimes the sea changes in life can be sudden, and at the time, can seem temporary.” Although this thought relates to Gigi’s choices at the time in the novel, this quote can be applied to the current situation we are living. Our society has undergone a significant change in a very sudden manner. Some of these changes will be temporary and some will be more permanent. It would be easy for both students and tutors to give up on continuing ESL classes because of the sudden “sea changes” that have occurred. However, it is inspiring that the students are so dedicated to learning English and trying to better understand the new culture they are apart of. The students are busy, have children at home, and have jobs as well. The tutors are dealing with technical difficulties and schedules of their own. The head of the tutoring program at Washington Township said I won the award for tutoring from the furthest away from Indianapolis. Like Serageldin writes, the changes are sudden, but it is important to adapt and continue to stay focused.

As I do more virtual tutoring sessions, I am learning how to become more effective at delivering material over the phone. Effective communication is a very important skill to possess and continue to develop. Communicating over the phone can pose a challenge, especially with the language barrier that exists. However, I have learned different methods that help me deliver the material effectively to the students. This includes using tone of voice more than I normally would as well as describing in more simple terms. This virtual tutoring is not the most ideal way to deliver material to students learning English. However, this is a time where everyone is learning to adapt. I have learned how to adapt to this situation and still communicate effectively and help students learn.