
ICR Journal 4/16

Here’s the journal entry for April 16th wherein I find my self contemplating human interaction. Take a read,


Today Fabrice and I got the rest of unit 2 done and started on unit 3. Unit 2 was present perfect and unit 3 was the use of because and because of in grammatical sentences. Fabrice really struggled with this so we spent a lot of time on it. I found it hard to explain the meaning of the word because. This made me wonder if there are any other words I just instinctually know the meaning of that aren’t easily describable to someone who doesn’t speak our language well. What I noticed helped, as seems to be a trend now, is describing these words using simile. My English teachers would be so proud. To do this I just replaced the words with something he was familiar with. This seemed to help but I’m not entirely sure he is understanding what I am saying.

So as promised another news update from the covid front line. They started making us wear mask during work. I’m not opposed to this new rule, it will keep me from spreading the disease should I unknowingly contract it but I’ve noticed when I work with patients on simple things like putting in for refills it is incredibly hard to breath. You forget when you make short breaths during conversation that this is because you’ve run out of air. Let me tell you one becomes acutely aware of this when it is suddenly taken from them by a mask. I think the biggest hurdle I’ve come across during this social distancing is the lack of genuine human contact. The absence of this is very noticeable.