
Cost of Living in China

When I was in China two years ago for the Butler in Asia program, I experience a huge culture change with the way citizens in China live compared to the United States. China’s cost of living is much lower than the United States as its currency exchange is about a 7-1 ratio to the US dollar. I figured that most authentic Chinese restaurants and shops are not very aware of the currency exchange rate, and may not realize that when Westerners spend money at these establishments, they are not spending as much as they normally would back home. I ate at this restaurant almost every day to get soup dumplings and scallion noodles, and it would be a total of 23 yuan, the Chinese currency. However, this really cost me $3 here, and back home, this would cost at least $25. Now, there were certain areas where Westerners live and open up restaurants and shops that sell Western food and brands. They did take advantage of the cost of living. For example, I went to a burger place and the burger cost 85 yuan which is about $12. These establishments were in more modern and expensive areas than the authentic restaurants. I never understood why the Chinese kept their prices so low until I learned that they were could not drink their own water since it would make them sick, so they couldn’t cook at their own house. People only eat out at restaurants as restaurants have to make their prices affordable for the average citizen. Overall, this trip was one of the most fascinating experiences of my life, and it opened my eyes to a completely different culture.