
Confucianism and Taoism

As seen in the diagram, both Confucianism and Taoism have revolved around China and created their values and society for centuries. However, there are differences as they signify two differentiating philosophies. Confucianism represents more of a social balance that is achieved through rules and citizens, or older and younger siblings, or ancestors and non-ancestors. It is about social order as the older person is wiser therefore they must give the orders to the younger or less privileged people. Not only must there be social order but obedience as well to superiors. Taoism or Daoism is to achieve a balance, not with social order and obedience but a balance in life. A good example of a balance in life is the Yin Yang symbol which represents opposite forces of the spectrum like good and bad or right and wrong becoming interconnected. There is a level and equal balance in that life as one may give rise to another to better the other half. It is seen as more equal rather than obedience by a superior. Both a healthy for a society, but having too much of either Confucianism or Taoism can result in a social failure or collapse. I believe this is why both are compared as somewhat opposites. Both Confucianism and Taoism can be examples of Yin Yang as one can give rise to the other.