
Coronavirus: How serious is it?

As everyone knows the coronavirus has been all over mainstream news over the last few weeks.  It has infected hundreds of thousands of people and has left many people in a large panic.  Some cruise ships have been quarantined and I’ve recently seen videos of people being dragged from the streets in China because of the disease.  To make matters worse this whole outbreak is coming at peak flu season,  leaving hospitals and health centers extremely busy. I recently read an article online about how the United States is preparing for this world pandemic. The articles mentions how health care providers need a plan for a patient “surge”, and how they must make sure they have the proper staff and equipment to deal with this difficult situation.  One step hospitals in San Diego are taking to address this shortage in supplies is to consolidate medical supplies such as masks, gloves, and gowns.  It will be interesting to see how this disease will impact the world over the next few months as more and more individuals are exposed to the disease.

When thinking about the disease it reminded me of some of the readings we have been talking about in class.  Specifically, it reminded me of when we talked about the Tao Te Ching and Doaism.  In class we talked about finding balance in our lives and how there is a cause for every effect.  When thinking about the individuals directly affected by the virus, I realize how hard it must be to find this balance in their lives.  They are most likely struggling with the realization they may not have much longer to live, which is a tough thought for any human to have.  I look forward to learning more about this balance throughout the semester and how it relates to current problems across the world.