
Mecca Changes Due to Coronavirus

After seeing the pictures of Mecca before and after the coronavirus outbreak, I was curious about how Muslims are dealing with restrictions on pilgrimages. Saudi Arabia has banned foreign Muslims from visiting Mecca, the Kaaba, and Muhammad’s mosque in Medina. The hajj takes place July 28, so for now, it is expected to happen, but if the virus continues to be an issue at this time, it could cancel this pilgrimage. Iran has banned Friday prayers, and many other countries are asking Muslims to use their own prayer mats and to pray at home. For a religion that is based on the idea of worshipping together as one collective faith group, the coronavirus can fundamentally change that. These are restrictions are interesting because normally faith takes precedent over the government, and I wonder if religious groups will ignore some of these restrictions in favor of their faith. This is a time when many people are praying and turning to religion for comfort amidst the uncertainty of the virus, and it will be difficult for Muslims and other religious groups to continue as normal in spite of new restrictions.