
Islamic Funerals

While watching the documentary about the hajj, I heard one man say that Muslims only wear the clothes they wear on the hajj in Mecca and when they die. This made me wonder about what an Islamic funeral is like. One interesting difference between Islamic funerals and many funerals held in the United States is that the burial takes place quickly after the death. Usually within three days, but most Muslims attempt to have the deceased buried in 24 hours. Therefore, there is no viewing, wake, or visitation. Similarly to traditional funerals, there is prayer involved in Islamic funerals. Due to the belief that the body will be resurrected on Judgement Day, autopsies and cremation are discouraged. Traditionally, women do not attend the burial. There is a forty day mourning period where it is acceptable for flowers and food to be sent to the family of the deceased. Some Muslims shorten the mourning period, and it is common for widows to extend the mourning period. Most funerals take place outside a mosque. Although there are a few traditions that are different, Islamic funerals are very similar to funerals of other religions and common funerals in the United States.