
Rumi Poem 13

“This moment, this love, comes to rest in me,
many beings in one being.
In one wheatgrain a thousand sheaf-stacks.
Inside the needle’s eye, a turning night of stars.”

I thought that poem 13 by Rumi was one of the more interesting selections. I also really enjoyed its message. I interpreted it as a message to not become overly obsessed with becoming larger than any one moment. As humans are always hungry for larger and greater experiences that will expand our reach to encompass everything. We all want to be so big that we don’t have to deal with tiny moments of everyday life. This piece urges that we let go of that urge and actually become smaller instead of urging to become larger than life. This message is why it was one of my favorites. I think it relates to the chaotic and busy lives that nearly all of us live.