Butler MFA’s Launch Literary Magazine

Two Butler MFA students, Luke Wortley and Zach Roth, have launched a gorgeous new online literary journal. Axolotl, which derives its name from a small sea salamander indigenous to parts of Mexico, aims to “celebrates magical realism, slipstream, fabulism, and other things that’ll take your head off.” Luke and Zach both have experience working with Booth: A Journal, Butler’s own literary magazine.Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 4.32.58 PM Their first issue is online now, filled with poems, stories, and art that editor Luke Wortley hopes will “take you somewhere and leave you with that ‘vast and untamable wanting’ for more from us in the future.” Zach’s sumptuous site design houses top-shelf content from GennaRose NethercottWilliam DoreskiTrish Harris, and many others. Head on over to Axolotl to read a first issue so good it’ll make a tomcat smack a bulldog (to borrow Luke’s idiom).