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Our Butler MFA students and alums continue to announce exciting news about their work.

12743679_10106000690844378_3462442359712497869_nPoetry Alum Kaveh Akbar signed a contract with Sibling Rivalry Press to publish his chapbook, Portrait of the Alcoholic. Kaveh calls Sibling Rivalry Press a “dream home for this chap.” The book will come out January 2017. “It’s all a little mind-boggling,” Kaveh said. “A few years ago my life was so unrecognizably different, was just an excruciating lurch from crisis to crisis. Now, this life of poems and poem-makers. It seems such an impossible luck. I can speak only in gratitudes.”

Kaveh is also the editor of the high praised blog, Divedapper, where he interviews his heroes in the poetry world. Perhaps he’ll have to interview himself. Congratulations, Kaveh!