As most of you know, I will be embarking on a journey to New Zealand in 11 days. I have been having quite the interesting battle trying to get my visa arranged (which is still in the making), and I am hoping that it is all resolved in at least a week, but I’ll take it the day before!!! As long as I will be traveling to New Zealand to student teach, then I will be okay with it all being last minute.
I have been preparing for this trip for over a year now, (well a trip to Kenya, rather) and I can say that I am a mix of anxious, excited, nervous, and stressed. I have been in communication with my host family, and they seem absolutely wonderful and inviting. They are both teachers and have two sons and a daughter. They also have a pool and live about 2 miles from the beach! I have no complaints at all! I have also been in touch with my cooperating teacher, and she seems really great! She teaches a different style than I’m used to, but she uses a ton of technology-so that will be great to learn more about.
I will miss everyone at home while I am there (you know who you are). I plan to communicate with you all primarily through this blog with stories and photos. I will also have my iphone and hopefully be connected to wifi frequently. Skype will be up (for those of you who matter the most) and I would love to see your beautiful faces every once in a while. I’ll make sure I update at least every few days, so you can stay in the know.
I cannot wait to go and enjoy a new country and a new culture and new people!
Counting down the days– <3 Ciara