Chanting in The Church

While reading chapter 3, there were some things that stood out to me. I thought it was interesting to learn about Christianity stemming from Judaism. I am a Christian and I always find it fun and interesting to learn about the history of Christianity and also other religions. Learning about the different religions and how they chant has been very informative to me. I think that chanting is very powerful and I really enjoyed the activity that you made us do in class while reading the Psalm. Although it made me uncomfortable to sing the lines, it did get the point across that changing the ending when singing does make it more interesting. I also learned that singing projects the sound, and this was helpful when there were large gatherings. From my experience, worshipping, which I compare to the chanting in older times, makes a great impact on the audience. The worship part of my services at my Christian church is my favorite part of the service. The words are so powerful and the way that the singers carry out the words and melody really impact the audience. It is interesting to think that this all stemmed from the chanting and the way that the people in the early centuries interpreted and sang the biblical text.