The Impact of Chanting

While reading through Chapter 2, and discussing it in class, there were a few things that caught my attention. One of them being, the way that people illustrated the Bible through different symbols and writing. I thought that it was interesting to see how the symbols and writing changed from century to century. This goes along with the chanting and other ways that people in the past sang psalms and other biblical music. I thought it was interesting to learn about the many different ways to sing/chant. It is interesting to think that the singing of music has developed and changed so much over the years. The chanting is different in all different parts of the world. However, they are all chanting about the same thing. In this case, they are chanting Psalms. I think this is interesting because it shows the true characteristics of the culture throughout the different regions and groups of people. I really enjoyed reading this chapter and learning about the different ways of writing music and chanting the music. It thought that the text of chapter 2 did a really nice job of explaining and the pictures and videos did a nice job of bringing the text to life in examples.