Cover Songs

Today in class we talked about covers and if they really are the same song repeated. The cover I thought of first is Guns N Roses cover of Knocking on Heavens Door which was originally released by Bob Dylan. These two songs are very different songs. Yes, they might have the same lyrics but they are very different songs and styles. I had no idea that Turn Turn Turn was a cover of a folk song. With this, I wanted to find other common songs that are covers that people might not know. The first one I found was Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. This is one of my favorite of his songs but it turns out it’s a cover. The original was released in 1962 by Johnny Cash’s sister-in-law. Another song that is a cover is I love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett. Another song on a similar note is Cum on Feel the Noise by Quiet Riot. This song was originally released by Slade in 1974. Louie Louie was a cover that had to have the FBI brought in because of copywrite laws. Heart released What About Love after another band turned down the song, this song was the beginning of what made Heart famous. The final song that I thought was interesting that it is a cover is Twist and Shout by the Beatles, another song that helped to make a band famous.