Aaron Copland

In class today we listened to the video “Aaron Copland in the Beginning, San Diego Pro Arte Voices”. This innovative and creative piece had a smooth serene melody which had a unique theme. The voices were very divided and the voices went from originally being smooth to quickly picking up with a more intense speed and pitch. The fast paced fourth day has a quick speed while exclaiming the phrase “Let there be light”. As each melody seems to change on each day, it flows throughout the verse and the music is strongly connected to Genesis. The background music has short words that provoke a source of imagery of this light and calmness. Aaron Copland uses biblical verses and imagery to create a different pace in the piece of music we listened to. Hearing the text set to music, such as Aaron Copland, gives a unique experience of the music created. The music takes the Genesis’s text and does something new which at first glance is calm, but with more life to the text.