Copland with Genesis

Regarding he book that talks about how most composers conclude their music in Genesis at 2:2 or 2:3 makes sense. This is when in Genesis, it concludes on the seventh day of God’s creations, and he saw it was good. However, Copland decided to take his musical creation a step further, through to Genesis 2:7. I really enjoy how Copland took his piece through to 2:7 since it finishes with a man becoming a living being. It leaves the end of his piece with the audience at the end of their seat, with it just being the start of man kind. When listening to his musical piece, I felt ready for more and I felt excited. This is important to remember when create my own music because however you end the piece is where your audience will be left at. Leave your audience with the emotion you want them to remember the most. Copland did a great job with the effect.