Genesis & the Creation

Chapter six in the textbook discusses Genesis and the content of the Creation in the Bible. The textbook states how it can be origination of creativity and helpfulness when creating music. After researching a little bit, I found the verses in Genesis are in many songs. Genesis is extremely important to the entire creation of Christianity. I found it surprising how it seems as if it suggests us as co-creators and inspires creativity to its readers. Genesis is a great starting place for many songs. I am considering switching over to these verses. The content flows very well compared to some other chapters, and there are numerous ways you can perform/compose the text, such as: putting it to different melodies or paraphrasing it. I also feel it is important for those who are not Christian and possibly wanting to convert to hear Genesis as it is the entire Creation of the world. Adding music to this text will certainly revitalize it, make it easier to understand, and give others the desire to learn about it.