How does music relate to God’s Creation?

What does Creation mean for us & God? Is God’s Creation out of nothing, or does He bring order out of chaos? Does our creation on earth of things such as music, cities, and infrastructure mimic God’s repetition of Creation? Does God take materials already in existence among Him and bring order out of the materials like we do on earth? Because of our likeness as humans created in the image of God, do we create like He has? Or are His ways so unimaginable and not like ours, that He might’ve created everything out of absolutely nothingness and we just cannot fathom it because His ways are not our ways? There is also the idea that God gives this powerful authority to the earth to bring forth foliage, life, vegetation, and animals. Likewise He gives humans, made in His image, the authority over the things in the earth. Whatever Creation is for God, we may never know but at least for us humans, we create out of what is already there. Music is one of those things that we take bits and pieces of ideas from other people and make it new. God’s voice speaking authority over Creation can be compared and contrasted with our voices to create music and sounds. In one song there might be this authoritative, strong and powerful voices, chord, and dynamics to parallel with one idea that God created out of nothingness, and everything came to be. But in another song, there could be a background of noises and chaos already present, and then order is created out of those sounds. Our music that we create can mimic creation as we know it.