Storytelling through Music

In class on 09/14, we focused on Genesis 1-31 and how it has been interpreted. Although I have not read much of the Bible, I have read Genesis 1-31 with it being the beginning and and key section in the bible. It was really interesting to me to listen to the musical interpretations of Genesis. I felt like I could understand what they were trying to portray. In the video of the choir singing, at the beginning it was only one woman singing a solo. This made sense to me because that was supposed to represent the beginning when there was nothing and only God who created the rest. Another part of the performance was when they were singing at different times and in different tones to represent water flowing and bubbling. Once I realized that was the section of Genesis they were referencing, it made clear sense of why they were singing that way. The other interpretation I watched that was instrumental, no singing, and it also was what I would expect. Before watching it I thought about what I would do if I were conducting/producing it. I have no experience with music so I do not know certain terminology instruments and what sound theĀ  I knew that I would start off quiet with only one instrument playing and it being quiet and soft. When light came in I would add a higher pitched and “happy” sound. Then for the separation of water I would want two instruments playing, but not simultaneously to represent separation. And as it continues, more and more is added and I would add more instruments and change the way the music sounds to represent it. I never really thought into how music can tell a story or in this case a section of the Bible. Usually music telling a story just uses lyrics and legitimately tells the story with words, but it’s very intriguing to witness it another way.