Importance of Music in Our Daily Lives

I am not for sure if music has been on my mind more because of the Bible & Music course or because of the transition into college. Whichever it mostly is, I know that they both have played a big factor. Music is everywhere, the “tweeting” of the birds in the morning, listening to music when walking from class to class, listening to music when exercising, and playing songs in our head sometimes to the point where it becomes annoying. In class, we have discussed how music helps you remember lyrics better, which obviously is important; however, over the past few weeks, I have noticed how music has helped to calm my emotions and motivate me to keep going. For me, this genre has been Christian, but it doesn’t have to be for everyone. Each and every genre of music is important and can speak to each person differently. As I previously said, we all have those songs that play in our heads, which makes me wonder, “Do we all have our own theme song?” I feel as if we all do. Mine is certainly different from day to day, but there is always one song that can relate to my mood or motivate me. What is your theme song? Does yours differ from each day? How does it help you get through the day?

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