The Creation of Music

Today, Thursday, September 16, 2021, in class we talked about how to create music with the help of technology and being able to use different apps, and free software to assist in the creation of music.  We talked about a multitude of different apps available to both android and apple users that can do a variaety of different things from creating a beat to recording yourself singing and then adding in an instrument in the background or a melody as well.  As we started to talk about these apps, all of which were pretty new to me, having only downloaded Garageband once before and then deleted it.  From the short little time I must have used Garageband that was the only other time that I had played around with making some sort of music in the past and all of these new apps and software at first look daunting, but then as you begin to play around you find out that using them is not so hard after all and you can make something decent even with no previous musical background whatsoever.  These apps and the advancement of technology overall has increased and made easier the creation of music as you have many tools available to use.  One that I have found to be usefull in the short time of using it is the Chrome Music Lab because not only is there variety of tools there, it is also helpful to learning about each one and being new that one seems to be very helpful in learning first about each tool and then as I go on I can take what I have learned from the Chrome Music Lab and apply it using other apps and software to aid in the making of music.  I look forward to continuing to learn about and use these tools to help in the creation of music.